10SONANCE CABINET SUBWOOFERS33.. IInntteeggrraatteedd aammpplliiffiieerr wwiitthh lleefftt&& rriigghhtt lliinnee--lleevveell oou
11SONANCE CABINET SUBWOOFERSSubwoofer Adjustments (see Figure 10)Bypass SwitchThe BYPASSswitch bypasses the subwoofer’s internal crossover network(XOV
12SONANCE CABINET SUBWOOFERS(continued from page 11)To determine the correct setting of the PHASE switch, listen to music with significant impactful b
13SONANCE CABINET SUBWOOFERSSpecificationsSub 12-250 Woofer: 12" (305mm) Anodized aluminumcone with a rubber surround Frequency Response: 22Hz –
14SONANCE CABINET SUBWOOFERSTechnical Assistance and ServiceIIff yyoouu hhaavvee aannyy qquueessttiioonnss aabboouutt tthhee ooppeerraattiioonn
15SONANCE CABINET SUBWOOFERSLimited Warranty Coverage (U.S. Only)SSoonnaannccee wwaarrrraannttss ttoo tthhee oorriiggiinnaall rreettaaiill
33-4428 01/07©2006 Sonance. All rights reserved. Sonance and MediaLinQ are registered trademarks of Dana Innovations. Due to continuous product
3IMPORTANT: Read all of these instructions before youinstall or operate your subwoofer, and save theseinstructions for later use.11
4SONANCE CABINET SUBWOOFERSIntroductionThank you for purchasing a Sonance Cabinet Subwoofer. When properly installed yournew subwoofer will add a soli
5SONANCE CABINET SUBWOOFERSSubwoofer PlacementAs with any speaker, your Sonance Cabinet Subwoofer’s performance will be influenced by its placement in
6SONANCE CABINET SUBWOOFERSInstalling the Subwoofer Flush in a Wall or CabinetYour subwoofer’s flush grille and recessed amplifier panel let you insta
7SONANCE CABINET SUBWOOFERSVoltage SelectorSonance Cabinet Subwoofers are equipped with a Voltage Selectorswitch that is factory-set to the proper pos
8SONANCE CABINET SUBWOOFERSAudio ConnectionsYour Sonance Cabinet Subwoofer has flexible connections that let you use it in a wide variety of audio sys
9SONANCE CABINET SUBWOOFERS11.. SSuurr rr oo uunn dd ss oo uunn dd pp rr oo cc ee ssss oo rr,, ssuurrrroouunndd ssoouunndd rree cc eeii vv
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